/* IN MEMORY: 12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008 */

Ding Yunde 12..2002

DING Yunde, male, 55 years old, was an employee in the Construction Section of the Tonghua Bureau of Mines in Baishan City, Jilin Province.

On December 24, 2001, DING was transferred from a forced labor camp in Baishan City to the 4th Brigade of the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City. Upon arrival, he was brutally beaten by inmates.
On April 6, 2002, the secretary of the Communist Party of Changchun City issued an order to “transform” Falun Gong practitioners. It stated, “Do not consider the means, focus on the result, and achieve a 95% rate of transformation.” Subsequently, the frequency and intensity of torture inflicted on Falun Gong practitioners increased dramatically.
Many practitioners suffered severe beatings and relentless torture, which would not stop until they renounced Falun Gong. DING had been suffering from scabies on his whole body for more than half a year, yet was not spared further torture. He was forced to sit on a small stool for long periods of time.
In December 2002, he could barely eat and was in critical condition. He died two days after being sent home.

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Cui Xiaojuan 12.30.1999

CUI Xiaojuan, female, 40 years old, was a lecturer at Daqing City Police Academy, Daqing City, Helongjiang Province.

On July 22, 1999, she joined other practitioners to hold a group appeal for Falun Gong in front of the Helongjiang Province Administration Building in Harbin (the capital of the province). From there, she then directly went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and was arrested in Tiananmen Square. The police from her hometown of Daqing brought her back, and detained her in the local detention center for 15 days. After her release, because she refused to promise to give up Falun Gong, she was detained at her workplace, where she was allowed no outside contact.

On December 30, 1999, because her father signed her name for her on a huge flag that reads, "Falun Dafa is good," (which was then sent to the People's Congress to appeal for Falun Gong), she was sent back to the detention center again. On the way to the detention center, she was allowed to go home to pick up some clothes under police escort. She died when attempting to escape by jumping from the balcony of her home on the fifth floor.

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Lou Aiqing 12.29.2000

LOU Aiqing, female, 34 years old, was an employee of the Bureau for Rural Business and Enterprise of Weifang City. She lived in the residential housing provided by her work place. Her husband Ji Jun was sent to a labor-education camp in October 2000.

At 7:00 p.m. on December 20, 2000 it was reported that LOU Aiqing and XU Bing had died of heart attacks in a Weifang detention center, but when family members tried to take photographs of the wounds on their corpses, police confiscated the film.

XU Bing and LOU Aiqing had been detained several times and dismissed from work for practicing Falun Gong. In October 2000, they were detained again for going to Beijing to ask the government for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong.
Later, both were sentenced to 3 years of forced labor. Upon hearing this, LOU Aiqing had no other choice but to leave home in November. XU Bing also left home in December after being detained by the Kuiwen District "forced-transformation class for Falun Gong practitioners."

About 7:00 p.m. on December 20, 2000, XU and LOU were posting self-stick posters which read, "Falun Dafa Is Righteous," and, "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance" in the city of Qingdao, when they were caught by the police and arrested.
The police used all sorts of harsh punishments in an attempt to make them confess their names and addresses, as well as the source of the materials they were posting. Finally, the police got the information on December 22 after severely torturing them. Later, the two were escorted from Qingdao back to Weifang and remained detained in the Kuiwen detention center.

Then, about 5:00 pm on December 25, the detention center called LOU's family saying that she had died 36 hours ago (at about 5:00 a.m. on December 24). The next morning, her family arrived at the funeral chapel, only to discover the place filled with police. They also noticed that heavy makeup had been applied to LOU, and that her body was covered with injuries and wounds.

Other people witnessed the police surrounding LOU's home. It was learned that LOU's family had taken pictures of her body, and the police exerted a huge effort to find the film. The public security police threatened both her family and her employer.
After the police surrounded and threatened her family for several hours, the family had no other choice but to finally give up the film. They forced both families to agree to cremate the bodies immediately. XU's 8-year-old boy and LOU's 11-year-old girl thus lost their mothers.

LOU Aiqing's died on December 29.

Washington Post, BBC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, VOA and Radio of Free Asia reported the case.

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Xu Bing 12.28.2000

Thirty-three-year old XU Bing, female, was an employee of the Residential Registration Office of the Public Security Bureau of Kuiwen District, Weifang City.

She lived in the west building of the Residential Hall for city employees on Shengli Street. XU Bing's body was cremated on December 28. Also see immediately above LOU Aiqing.

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Liu Chengjun 12.26.2003

LIU Chengjun, male, 32-years-old, was a resident of Nongan County and a food worker in Changchun City. He graduated with a major in Accounting from a middle-level professional school.

After July 20, 1999, LIU went to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong, but was abducted and detained for one year in the Changchun Fenjin Labor Camp for “re-education” through forced labor. Because he refused to renounce Falun Gong, his term was illegally extended for another ten months.

At about 3:00 a.m. on March 24, 2002, Chinese police arrested LIU for his involvement in tapping into Changchun cable TV on March 5. At that time, he was hiding among his aunt’s piles of firewood. The police surrounded the piles of firewood, set them on fire, and started shooting at him. After making the arrest, one police officer drew his gun and shot LIU twice in the legs, injuring him severely. He was later sent to the Jilin Province Public Security Hospital, but authorities there forcibly stretched his arms to handcuff them to the bed frame.

One day in April 2002, LIU refused to cooperate with a state TV crew that wanted to produce government propaganda, so the head of the Prison Political Section of the Public Security Hospital forcibly chained LIU’s feet.

In early May 2002, LIU was transferred to Tiebei Detention Center, where he was forced to “confess” through several methods of torture, such as being tied to a special torture stool called the “Tiger Bench” for 52 days. [Practitioners are forced to sit on a small iron bench called the “Tiger Bench” that is approximately 20 cm (6 inches) tall. Their knees are tied down tightly onto this bench, and their hands are tied back or on the knees. They have to sit straight up, looking straight ahead. Usually, hard objects are inserted beneath their lower legs or ankles to increase the pain.]

On September 20, 2003, LIU was put on “trial” but he had to be carried into the courtroom. During the trial, police officers displayed violence toward him and other Falun Gong practitioners. The Changchun City Middle Level People’s Court sentenced LIU to prison for 19 years and sent him to Jilin Prison (also called the Jilin No. 2 Prison, located in Jilin City).

By late October 2003, LIU had already been tortured to such a point that he was unrecognizable and he had difficulty speaking. He was immediately sent to the Jilin City Central Hospital for emergency treatment. The hospital issued a “Critically Ill Notice,” regarding his condition that meant that he was near death.

On October 21, 2003, his family suddenly received a “Critically Ill Notice” about him. When his family members arrived at the hospital, they found him on the verge of death with wounds all over his body and mentally very weak, floating in and out of consciousness.

On October 24, 2003, medical results showed that LIU was critically ill with acute kidney failure and arrhythmia. Yet on October 27, 2003, he was forcibly transferred to the Jilin Province Public Security Hospital, which has a reputation for torturing Falun Gong practitioners. The Public Security Hospital diagnosed him as having uremia and also issued a “Critically Ill Notice.”

On November 4, 2003, the Jilin Prison filed medical parole forms for LIU to receive temporary medical treatment outside the prison. This needed approval from the Debiao Detention Centre of Nongan County, which had jurisdiction over LIU as a registered resident. However, the detention center was afraid of taking responsibility and reported the situation to the Bureau of Public Security of Nongan County, which passed the case on to the Nongan County “610 Office” where approval was denied. Consequently, the prison voided his medical parole forms.

At 4:00 a.m. on December 26, 2003, LIU Chengjun died in the Jilin University Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital after suffering from imprisonment and torture for one year and nine months. That day, seven hours later, the prison called in a large number of police officers and had LIU’s body cremated with neither an autopsy performed nor the family’s consent. Eyewitnesses said there was blood in several places on LIU’s body, including in his nose and ears.

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Xia Shucai 12.22.2000

XIA Shucai, a 63-year-old man, was a resident of Dongdagezhuang Village, Zhongjing Town, Laiyang City, Shandong Province.

On December 9, 2000, he was captured at Laixi Railway Station on his way to Beijing to appeal the persecution of Falun Dafa, and he was taken back to Zhongjing. The town government forced his family to pay a fine of 2,000 yuan (roughly 4 months' income for an average worker in China) and asked him to write a statement renouncing his practice of Falun Gong.

XIA Shucai went on a hunger strike to protest against the illegal detention and beating. He was tortured many times during the hunger strike, and he passed away on the night of December 22, 2000.

According to an eyewitness’ account, at the time of his death, XIA Shucai was extremely thin; his eyes were still open; the cuts and wounds on his face had turned into scars; the flesh and skin on his right hand were torn apart; there were bloodstains on his stomach and thighs, and bruises could be seen on his collar bone.

In fear that its evil deeds would be exposed, the Zhongjing town government transferred XIA Shucai's body to Laiyang police station. Moreover, the town government sent the three Dafa practitioners who were jailed together with XIA Shucai to an unkown place.

The Washington Post, BBC, ABC, Voice of America (VOA) and RFA reported Xia’s story..

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He Caibin 12.19.2000

HE Caibin, female, 49 years old, lived in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. She used to work at No. 3 Sub-factory of Harbin City's No. 1 Mechanical Manufacturing Factory.

HE died on impact on December 19, 2000 when she jumped out of a moving train in an attempt to escape her captors.

HE was arrested three times for appealing in Beijing for Falun Dafa. After her fourth appeal, on December 19, HE was abducted by police officers from the Taiping District Nanzhi Police Station who planned to send her back to Harbin City.

As the train slowed down upon entering Shenyang City, HE jumped off the train in an attempt to escape from her captors and further persecution and torture. She died on impact.

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Wang Kefei 12.20.2001

WANG Kefei, female, 35 years old, Changchun City. WANG Kefei worked at Changchun Branch of the Agriculture Bank in Jilin Province.

Since July 22, 1999, she was detained illegally several times because she was a Falun Gong practitioner. However, she was steadfast in the detention center and was heavily shackled for 11 days as a result. She had to be carried in and out of the room when called for interrogation.

In early August 2001, WANG was illegally sentenced to “re-education” through forced labor, and was sent to Heizuizi Female Labor Camp where she was tortured. Several days after being sent to the labor camp, her face became deformed from torture and her body was covered with bruises.

In November 2001, she protested the overtime slave labor she was subjected to and was tortured by LUAN Yunjuan, the deputy division head of the labor camp, among others. After WANG started a hunger strike, she was tied, standing up, to the head of a double-bunk metal bed so she couldn't move or lie down. Sometimes she was laid flat on the ground. Her hunger strike lasted 25 days.

Around 9 a.m. on December 20, 2001, the Heizuizi Labor Camp sent WANG, who was critically ill, to the hospital at the Jilin Province Labor Re-education Center. She was unconscious and incontinent, but the doctor didn't conduct any examination and both her hands were tied to the sides of the bed while she received intravenous infusions (IVs.).

Hospital staff didn't check on her, and her IV bottle was changed by a female inmate. Around 6 p.m., WANG Kefei was found to be making no sound, and was immediately carried to the morgue without any emergency treatment.

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Wang Xiuyun 12.22.2002

WANG Xiuyun, female, 47 years old, was a native of Huadian City, Jilin Province.

After JIANG Zemin’s regime launched the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, WANG Xiuyun went to Beijing on numerous occasions to appeal for Falun Gong. After being arrested and unlawfully detained a number of times, she was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution.

On June 3, 2002, WANG Xiuyun and seven other practitioners were abducted and incarcerated at the Huadian City Police Department’s Political Security Division. Under the direction of the police department’s Party Secretary, WANG Guangxue, the police savagely beat and tortured the eight practitioners, hoping to extract confessions from them.

They hung the practitioners up, shocked them with electric batons, forced them to sit on iron chairs, put plastic bags over their heads and blew smoke into the bags, and so on.

The police later sent all the practitioners to the Huadian City Detention Center. WANG Xiuyun went on a hunger strike in protest of the torture. As her health was seriously damaged by the continual torture she received, she developed pulmonary edema with a pleural effusion. For three months, she could not lie down to sleep due to difficulty breathing.

The Huadian City police finally sent her to the hospital when she was near death, but extorted 10,000 yuan from her family to pay for it. WANG’s family went bankrupt after police extorted a total of 30,000 yuan. Her husband was forced to divorce her.

On October 9, 2002, without notifying their families, the Huadian City Court secretly put the practitioners on trial.

On November 5, 2002, the court held a second trial and sentenced WANG Xiuyun to twelve years in prison. Despite the fact that WANG Xiuyun and the other practitioners were in the process of appealing to a higher court, the police sent her to Heizuizi Prison in the early morning hours of December 12.

Ten days later, at about 9 p.m. on December 22, WANG Xiuyun died in prison.

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Gao Shiping 12.19.2003

GAO Shiping, female, was 58 years old and a resident in Zhangjiafang Village, Shenjiatun Town, Qiaoxi District, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province.

She was at one time the local Falun Gong volunteer assistant, and went to Beijing to make a petition right after the persecution started.

In February 2001, she and all local Falun Gong practitioners were detained in the Zhangjiafang Village meeting room for several days, and were forced to sign their names on a big piece of white cloth, which had slandering words of Falun Gong. GAO did not sign her name.

In April 2001, while GAO was farming in the field, she was arrested by local police and sent to the Gaoyang Labor Camp for forced brainwashing.

When she returned home in the spring of 2003, her health had seriously deteriorated from the physical and mental torture she had endured in the labor camp. She died on December 19, 2003.

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Wang Shufang 12.18.2002

WANG Shufang, female, 49 years old, lived in Acheng City, Heilongjiang Province WANG passed away on December 18, 2002 due to torture suffered in the Wanjia Labor Camp. She was an employee in the Beiyan Factory in Acheng City.

In April 2001, WANG was arrested and illegally incarcerated for 49 days after appealing in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. During her incarceration in Beijing, she started a hunger strike in protest. She was violently force-fed, causing severe bleeding from her stomach and esophagus, prompting the authorities to release her.

In June 2001, people from Acheng City's "610 Office" held her in the city detention center for six months and then sentenced her to one year of forced labor for refusing to renounce Falun Dafa. She was sent to the Harbin City Wanjia Labor Camp, where she staged another hunger strike. WANG was again subjected to force-feeding, which caused bleeding in her stomach and esophagus. Her abdominal cavity was swollen and accumulated a lot of fluid.

She was dying, and the labor camp authorities notified the Acheng "610 Office" personnel to take her back. They in turn ordered WANG's family members to remove her from the labor camp, however, the street administration office and her factory refused to agree to her release.

In her steadily deteriorating condition, WANG endured the pain until June 2002, when she was finally taken home. At that time, she was suffering from severe edema and fluid accumulation in her abdomen, vomited blood, and had blood in her stool.

At the time of her release, WANG was not able to think clearly and her legs were paralyzed. WANG was unable to recover from the long-term torture, and she passed way on December 18, 2002.

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Zhu Yourong 12.16.2000

ZHU Yourong, female, was in her 40’s and lived in Xuanhua District, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province.

She was brutally tortured while being detained at the Women's Second Brigade in the First Forced Labor Camp of Hebei Province.

She died on December 16, 2000 at the labor camp.

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Li Xiaorong 12.14.2001

LI Xiaorong, male, 41 years old, was an employee of the Daqing Petroleum Company, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province.

On December 1, 2000, LI went to Beijing to appeal and there he was illegally detained for over 100 days in the local police station. During the detention, he went on hunger strikes several times in protest.

Before he was arrested, he weighed about 75 kilograms and was very healthy. By the time he was released on March 21, 2001, his weighed only 30 kilograms and had lost the ability to care for himself. After coming home his health continued to worse.

On December 14, 2001, LI passed away in a hospital.

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Chu Congrui 12.13.2000

CHU Congrui, female, 19 years old, was a resident of Xujia Village in Shulan City, Jilin Province. On December 1, 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was arrested. She died in Beijing’s Haidian Prison around December 13, 2000.

The police claimed that CHU died as a result of a hunger strike during which she refused even water. However, the doctor who performed the autopsy rejected that claim, as he found blood in CHU’s nose and mouth. Her nose was broken and her face distorted, yet the police lied and said that she had a heart attack. They wanted to extort money from her family. Her body was cremated on December 18, 2000. Unable to bear the loss of her child, CHU’s mother had a mental breakdown.

Agency France Presse reported her case on January 11, 2001, from Beijing.

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Sun Shaomei 12.12.1999

SUN Shaomei, female, 43 years old, was an employee of the Supply and Marketing Cooperative in the town of Linglong, Zhaoyuan County, Shandong Province had gone to Beijing to appeal several times since July 20, 1999. The local police illegally detained her for about 8 months.

The second day after she was released, SUN Shaomei went to Beijing once more and was never heard from again. About mid December, we received a death announcement from Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp, Daxing County, Beijing.

It was learned that SUN Shaomei was sent to Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp on November 28. She was sent to the labor camp hospital on December 2 and died at 11:45 on December 12.

AFP, Radio of Free Asia reported the case on February 7.

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Zou Benhui ..2003

ZOU Benhui, male, over 55 years old, was a Falun Gong practitioner in Changchun.

Police ransacked his home several times. He was also illegally detained and tortured several times, which resulted in abdominal fluid accumulation and liver disease.

He died early in 2003 at home.

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Zhang Min 12.05.2001

ZHANG Min, female, lived in Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province. ZHANG was tortured to death on December 5, 2001 by officials from the Yilan County Police Department.

On the evening of November 28, 2001, ZHANG was arrested in the countryside while distributing truth-clarifying materials and tortured for 60 hours in the Yilan County Hotel by officers in the Yilan County Police Department, specifically HAN Yunjie.

HAN hung ZHANG on a heating pipe after handcuffing both of her hands. Then he savagely punched her chest, eyes and temples. He grabbed her hair and bashed her head against the wall. Both her hands were swollen and burned from the heat pipes. She vomited blood and lost consciousness. Han poured water on ZHANG until she regained consciousness, and then beat her again until she lost control of her bladder.

Her family paid a bribe of 8,000 Yuan to obtain her release but it was in vain. ZHANG was later sent to the Yilan County No. 2 Detention Center. On December 5, during a salt water force-feeding, Zhang drowned when salt water entered her lungs.

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Zhou Jingsen ...

ZHOU Jingsen, male, 68 years old, lived in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. ZHOU died of torture in Team Four of Changlinzi Labor Camp.

For his belief in Falun Dafa, ZHOU was arrested and jailed with Team Four of Changlinzi Labor Camp. In the camp, ZHOU was tortured, grew emaciated, and developed scabies all over his body, from his neck to his ankles.

He eventually became bedridden and was released just days before he passed away.

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Wang Tiesong 12.04.2001

WANG Tiesong, male, 32 years old, was an employee at the Boiler Installation Company of the Baihe Forestry Bureau in Antu County, Jilin Province.

WANG was illegally sent to the Yenji Forced Labor Camp in October 2000, where he was tortured. He died as a result of his injuries on December 4, 2001.

Authorities in the Yanbian State Department as well as in the Public Security Department and the labor camp were afraid that the truth about WANG’s death and the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners would be exposed.

Consequently, after WANG had already died of torture, they retroactively falsified his medical record and sent him to the hospital. In the hospital, they kept him on a respirator for another eleven days until December 15.

According to an eyewitness at the hospital, WANG had already stopped breathing when he arrived at the hospital. However, the police forced him onto a respirator so that they could claim he died after being resuscitated. WANG had died a miserable death. His eyes were open, with one sunken and the other with a dilated pupil. His ribcage had been crushed and his whole body was covered with wounds.

One of WANG’s relatives said, "WANG was murdered by you [the police]". However, the authorities said, "We can arrest you for saying that". Under the pressure, WANG’s family had to hold back their tears, daring not to say another word.

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Luo Zhixiang 12.04.2002

LUO Zhixiang, female, 28 years old, lived in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province.

On November 22, 2002, LUO Zhixiang was arrested by the Tianhe District's 610 Office and sent to a brainwashing class located at the Huangpu Drug Rehabilitation Center. After going on a hunger strike, she was sent to the Tianhe Traditional Medicine Hospital. Under suspicious circumstances, she fell from the 3rd floor on November 31 and suffered a fatal head injury. She died December 4th, while three months pregnant.

On December 5, 2002, upon hearing that LUO was dying, her parents-in-law arrived in Guangzhou with LUO’S young daughter. Once there, they found that LUO had died the previous day as a result of the persecution. They went to the Neighborhood Administration and the 610 Office many times, but no one showed any interest.

Twice, the 610 Office administrators tried to force LUO’s mother-in-law to sign a form stating that LUO had committed suicide. LUO’s mother-in-law refused. Based on the facts, LUO had been closely watched by three people during each shift. They said, "LUO was on a hunger strike for seven days. She could not even stand up. Who could believe she committed suicide?"

LUO’s husband HUANG Guohua, who was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp for distributing Falun Gong materials, was not allowed to see her body for the last time. LUO's husband, HUANG Guohua, was still detained and being tortured in the Huadu Labor Camp in Guangzhou City. Their young daughter was under her grandparents’ care.

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Zheng Fangying 12..2001

ZHENG Fangying, female, of Beiwei Village, Weifang City

On December 2, 2001, ZHENG Fangying traveled to Beijing to distribute Falun Gong flyers and to unfurl a Falun Gong banner at the Tiananmen Square. There were several dozens of other Falun Gong practitioners who unfurled their banners simultaneously.

ZHENG Fangying was knocked down and beaten severely by the police before she was taken to a police station with other Falun Gong practitioners. In the police station, she was heavily beaten and shocked with a high voltage electric baton.

Because of the cruel torture, her internal organs were severely injured. Later, she was detained in a small, solitary cell.

During her hunger strike, the police continued to torture her. She was unable to walk. Her life was greatly endangered. Fearing responsibility in case she died, the police sent her to the railway station for her to go home.

After arriving at Jinan Railway Station, she was left alone. But she was so weak that she could hardly move. A kind-hearted young man helped her to her home. Her family members found that she lost two teeth, her abdomen looked dark brown, and bruises were all over her body.

Because of the severe injury done to her internal organs, a dragging sound came from her abdomen area when she moved her body. She died three days after she got home.

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