Zhi Guixiang 07.27.2002
A fellow practitioner saw her at the police station on July 20. She could barely talk. Her entire body was covered with wounds that were rubbed with salt. She told her fellow practitioner that she felt her internal organs were damaged from beating.
While in detention, she went on a hunger strike without water to protest the persecution. The police sent her to Sheling Hospital to be force-fed. She refused to cooperate, so on the second day, the police handcuffed her feet. On the third day, she was shaking from being forced to sit on a torture board.
On the fourth day, the head of her cell ordered inmates to cover her mouth with a towel and hold her down to make her sit on the board. Later, after they took her to a small cell and removed the towel, they found the towel was saturated with blood. Despite her condition, they put her on a torture tool where they handcuffed her hands and feet so that she could only sit with her body in a bent position and her head down. She had to be fed and carried to the toilet. On July 25, 2002, ZHI’s condition became critical. She died on July 27.
ZHU Zhishan and the other police officers at the Luyuan Police Branch are responsible for ZHI’s death. However, ZHU openly lied about the cause of her death, claiming that she died in the hospital as a result of her hunger strike. ZHI’s family later went to the hospital but could not find her medical record.
On July 31, without informing ZHI’s family, the police secretly cremated her body at the Shuangfeng Crematory. ZHU Zhishan’s name was on the cremation document as having “power of attorney.”
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