/* IN MEMORY: Zhang Tao 07.31.2002 */

Zhang Tao 07.31.2002

ZHANG Tao, male, 53 years old, lived in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. ZHANG was tortured to death on July 31, 2002 in Changlinzi Labor Camp, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province.

Between July 22, 1999 and March 2002, ZHANG was illegally arrested and detained six times because he peacefully sought an end to the persecution against Falun Dafa. During this time, he was beaten intensely and made to do hard labor and undergo brainwashing. During his detention in the Harbin Police Station during November 2001, ZHANG was extorted 3,400 Yuan as well as tortured on a metal chair for 12 days straight, until his buttocks became raw and his legs and feet were swollen. He was later sentenced to three years of forced labor camp.

In March 2002, ZHANG was transferred to the Changlinzi Labor Camp in Harbin. Due to the prolonged persecution, ZHANG displayed abnormal physical symptoms - he was unable to walk and sleep, and suffered unbearable pain in his internal organs. In late July, ZHANG went on a hunger strike to protest. Prison guards locked him in a small confinement cell where he was hung by handcuffs and force-fed.

Before July 31, ZHANG Died of torture. On examination, ZHANG’s neck was heavily bruised and swollen, and one of his shoulders was obviously fractured and disfigured.

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