/* IN MEMORY: Su Gang 06.10.2000 */

Su Gang 06.10.2000

SU Gang, male, 32, Zibo City, was a software engineer at Qilu Petrochemical Company.

On May 23, 2000, the security officers in his workplace sent him to the Changle Mental Hospital without notifying his family members. SU was detained in the mental hospital for nine days, and was forcibly given mega doses of drugs everyday, which damaged his central nerve system.

Upon learning that Mr. SU was locked in a , SU's uncle went on a hunger strike, and as a result, Mr. SU was released on May 31, 2000. When Mr. SU got home, he was slow, stiff, and extremely weak. He died on the morning of June 10, 2000.

Washington Post published an editorial on June 23, 2000 denouncing China's rulers for forcibly committing practitioners to psychiatric institutions to continue its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

The editorial also called on the democratic governments all over the world and the international human rights organizations to further expose this inhuman torture by the

The Radio Free Asia and the Australia Broadcast Corporation reported the case on June 16, 2000; AAP, Reuters, and BBC on June 18, 2000, and the South China Morning Post on June 19, 2000.

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