/* IN MEMORY: Li Shuqin ..2003 */

Li Shuqin ..2003

LI Shuqin, female, 54 years old, lived in Changchun City.

On March 20 2003, LI Shuqin was abducted by Changjiulu Police while visiting a fellow Falun Gong practitioner named ZHANG Hongyou. In the Third Detention Center of Changchun City, LI was illegally detained and tortured. She was handcuffed and chained to her feet for long periods of time.

Every time police interrogated her, they tortured her to the brink of death. In the detention center, she was force-fed with corn powder and chili powder mixed in water. She eventually died of the torture.

During a phone inquiry, a male police officer at the Changjiu Road Police Station (431-5919475) was not willing to verify whether LI had died. Another male officer at the No. 3 Detention Centre of Changchun (431-4162707) refused to verify her death, saying, "Don’t make it difficult for me".

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