/* IN MEMORY: Sun Shizhong 04.19.2002 */

Sun Shizhong 04.19.2002

SUN Shizhong, male, was a resident in Songyuan City.

SUN Shizhong was incarcerated in the Yinmahe Labor Camp in Jiutai County. Around noon on April 19, 2002, a police officer named LU Changtai was determined to force twelve practitioners, including SUN, into renouncing Falun Gong. He sent inmates to get the electric batons, forced practitioners to take off their clothes, and shocked them.

Then he let the inmates take three practitioners—SUN Shizhong, SHI Renji, and ZHANG Guangchao—to a torture room and take turns beating them. The inmates tied SUN to a bed, whipped him with wooden strips, hit him with their elbows, kicked him with their boots, and bent him so that his legs were against his head. Later, they took SUN to the washroom to beat him up further.

Around 5 p.m. on April 19, 2002, one of the inmates said, "He is probably dead". The other one said, "He is faking". The next morning they discovered that SUN had died.

The police sentenced four inmates, including one named ZHANG Zuohai who directly participated in the beating. However, GAO Ke, the police officer that was truly responsible for SUN’s death was still at large.

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