/* IN MEMORY: Zhang Dezhen 01.29.2003 */

Zhang Dezhen 01.29.2003

Ms. ZHANG Dezhen, 38 years old, was a teacher at the Mengyin County Number 6th High School (Jiuzai High School). She was detained and beaten many times by the members of the Mengyin Police Department and the “610 Office”.

On January 29, 2003, ZHANG Dezhen was held at a ward in the South No. Three Building of Mengyin County Hospital of Chinese Traditional Medicine where members of the “610 Office”, prison doctors of the Mengyin County Detention Center and the doctors from the Mengyin County Hospital of Chinese Traditional Medicine plotted together and illegally gave ZHANG Dezhen an injection of some kind of drug. (After the injection, usually the victims would feel hot and thirsty. When the dosage was small the victims would feel extremely thirsty and hungry and if the dosage was large the victims would feel short of breath and experience heart failure.) ZHANG Dezhen died following the forced injection.

On January 31, 2003, ZHANG Dezhen's family members were notified to meet with "610 Office" representatives. Her brother, Zhang Dewen, and her nephew were taken directly to the funeral home. Her body was curled up, there were wounds on top of wounds, and she was highly emaciated. Several of her teeth were knocked out. Members of the Mengyin County "610 Office" forced Zhang Dewen to sign a slip releasing the body for cremation, but he refused. As a result, Zhang Dewen was also brutally beaten. He had no choice but to sign the slip. Thus, no autopsy was performed by a court appointed doctor, and no family member attended the cremation.

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