Jiang Liying 01.25.2001
Ever since her childhood, one of JIANG Liying’s legs had been disabled. Since the persecution of Falun Gong started, she had appealed in Beijing numerous times and was unlawfully detained and fined (her family was forced to pay bonds of up to 2000 yuan). At 8 a.m. on January 19, 2001, Zhaoyuan City police, Li Guibo and Liu Wenqing charged into JIANG Liying’s home and unlawfully searched it, confiscating Dafa materials and books. They then brought her to the detention center.
On the morning of January 21, JIANG Liying was transferred from the detention center to the “610 Office” where she was interrogated about where the materials that exposed the truth about the persecution came from. Due to her refusal to reveal the source of the materials, she was beaten and tortured. They beat her with fists, kicked her, shocked her with electric batons, squashed the front of her body with metal sheets and used a hammer to hit the metal. She was tortured for 24 hours straight.
On the January 23, she was taken to the Linglong Substation and not allowed to eat. At 5 p.m., on January 24, 2001, the substation notified her family of her detainment. At this time, JIANG Liying was already unconscious and both of her hands had turned black. Her family asked for her immediate release. After gaining permission from the central police department, she was finally released. Her family rushed her to hospital, but her life could not be saved. JIANG Liying died at 10:10 a.m. on January 25.
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