/* IN MEMORY: Sun Youfa 01.13.2001 */

Sun Youfa 01.13.2001

SUN Youfa, born on December 12, 1977, was a male, 24 years old resident at the No. 2 Group in Kangping Donjiao in the Town of Lishu, Lishu County. The police arrested him on the afternoon of December 31, 2000, when he unfurled a Falun Gong banner on Tiananmen Square, and sent him to the Beijing Fengtai Detention Center later that evening.

On January 1, 2001, the police beat him during interrogation and put handcuffs on his hands and feet before sending him back to his cell. SUN could neither lie down nor stand, but could only sit curled up. He went on a hunger strike to protest.

From January 2 to 3, the police force-fed him several times. They grabbed his nose, hit him on his chest, and forced milk mixed with salt into him. This treatment caused SUN to choke and made it increasingly difficult for him to breathe.

On the afternoon of January 6, they had to send him to the hospital. After examining SUN, a doctor told the detention center that he was in critical condition. Later that evening, the police hustled him to the train station. The staff there refused to take him due to his poor condition, so the police had to bring him back to the center. They later sent him again to the train station but this time just left him there. SUN died on January 13.

According to the person who took a picture of SUN’s body, it was covered with wounds. There was blood in his mouth, and his eyes were open.

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