/* IN MEMORY: Ding Yan 09..2001 */

Ding Yan 09..2001

DING Yan, female, 32 years old, was a hairdresser in Shijiazhuang City. On October 28th, 1999, more than three months after the start of the brutal persecution on Falun Gong practitioners, at least 20 Falun Gong practitioners held a clandestine press conference in a Beijing hotel. DING was one of the principal organizers of the press conference. On November 25th, 1999, she was arrested in Guangzhou. In June 2000, she was sentenced to 4 years in prison.

While incarcerated in different places, DING suffered various tortures by the police, including forced hard labor, very tight shackles, being hung while her hands were shackled behind her back, etc. In the Shijiazhuang Detention Center, DING was placed in an iron cage with nails sticking up more than an inch from the wood floor.

DING’s final detention-place was the Chengde City Prison. The prison guards there subjected DING to the "water jail" torture, where she was stripped naked and locked in an iron cage with spikes on all sides. The cage was filled with dirty water up to her neck. DING died in September 2001, after enduring months of the water torture.

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