/* IN MEMORY: Sun Yanqing ..2000 */

Sun Yanqing ..2000

SUN, female, in her 40’s, from Zhangjiakou City, died of forced feeding three years ago in the Xuanhua District Hospital.

She was in her 40's and worked at the Mechanical Maintenance Facility of the Xuanhua District Steel Works in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. SUN was abducted by policemen when she went to Beijing to make an appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong.

During detention, she went on a weeklong hunger strike to protest; however the policemen tortured her by force-feeding. SUN died a few days later after she was sent back to Xuanhua and hospitalized. Her son, less than ten years old, was left unattended.

A co-worker in Zhangjiakou City confirmed that SUN was a Falun Gong practitioner and that she died more than three years ago.

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