/* IN MEMORY: Lu Shuqiu 02..2002 */

Lu Shuqiu 02..2002

LU Shuqiu, female, 46 years old, lived on Yan’an Street in the Changyi District of Jilin City.

In October 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong and was arrested. On November 24, 2000, she was illegally sent to the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City, where she was tortured for eight months. She was forced to do heavy labor from 4 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day with only one five-minute break to use the washroom.

In late February 2001, LU was transferred to the 6th Team, the so-called "model team", an "honor" awarded by the Re-education Labor Department of the Justice Bureau. There, she suffered vicious torture at the hands of a guard named ZHANG Tao and was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

In April 2001, the Re-education Labor Department sent an inspection team to the camp. One of the visitors asked LU, "Is Falun Dafa good? Did someone deceive you into going to Beijing to make trouble ?" LU answered, "I became healthy after I practiced Falun Gong. I benefited from it. Nobody deceived me, and it was my own decision to go to Beijing".

After the inspection team left, camp officials intensified LU’s torture. They shocked her with several electric batons simultaneously, causing damage to her heart. She started a hunger strike in the beginning of May. The police subsequently handcuffed her to an iron bed and force-fed her three times a day. Although the doctors instructed that she be fed with milk, a female guard named SUN Mingyan used salty soup and corn soup instead. The force-feeding was actually a very cruel form of punishment, and LU's health was completely destroyed. She sustained heart damage from the electrical shocks and stomach injuries from the force-feeding and had continuous vaginal bleeding.. At the end of July 2001, seeing that LU was in a critical condition, the camp notified her family to take her home.

In February 2002, LU managed to go to Beijing to appeal her case. Several days later, her family received a notice from the police, asking them to bring 2,000 yuan to Beijing to bail her out. But the next day, the police informed the family that LU had died at the Jilin City Police Department’s Beijing Office.

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