/* IN MEMORY: Hou Xiuping ..2000 */

Hou Xiuping ..2000

HOU Xiuping, female, 35 years old, lived in the Nanguan District of Changchun City.

After July 22, 1999, she went to appeal in Beijing against the persecution of Falun Gong. She was illegally detained for distributing Falun Gong materials in her own small shop.

In December 2000, she was illegally sentenced to three years of "re-education" through forced labor. She died as a result of her treatment in the labor camp.

When her family was in the Bureau of Public Security, taking care of the paperwork, police told them that she had "jumped out of the building and committed suicide" from another room where police detained her.

Later, when her family rejected the "suicide" explanation and wanted to appeal, the Bureau of Public Security gave the family 20,000 Yuan as a private settlement.

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